I am making a report which can print all the accounts created in a table in one. For example: I have the account created "Cash", "Bank" and "Payable" so I select all three and they appear in a report. I currently do it but it only appears when I select 1 it does not work with several.
The error shown when making this report is as follows:
Error to render compiling AST ValueError: Expected singleton: proyecto_rc.account(3, 4) Template: 249 Path: /templates/t/t/t/t/div/div/thead/br/p/table/tbody/td[2]/span Node: <span t-esc="o.total_account_debit"/>-
Here I leave a picture of how I want it to be.: \photoexamplereport
<report id="list_efectcredit" model="proyecto_rc.account" string="Lmayor" name="proyecto_rc.report_account_view" file="proyecto_rc.report_lmayorefectivo" report_type="qweb-html" /> <template id="report_account_view"> <t t-call="web.html_container"> <t t-foreach="docs" t-as="o"> <t t-call="web.external_layout"> <div class="page"> <div class="page"> <br></br> <thead> <center> <h2>Ledger</h2> </center> <br> <p>Detail: <table class="customTable"> <thead> <tr> <th>Account</th> <th>Debit</th> <th>Credit</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <t t-set="i" t-value="1"/> <td> <span t-field="o.title"/> </td> <td> <span t-field="o.total_account_debit"/> </td> <td> <span t-field="o.total_account_credit"/> </td> <t t-set="i" t-value="i+1"/> </tbody> </table> </p> </br> </thead> </div> </div> </t> </t> </t> </template>