I tried to add header in pdf of accounting reports(wkhtmltopdf) using my own custom layout with image. But when i use the unfold option in the HTML view then takes the pdf printout, the image in the header got automatically removed from the report.
The above is the code i have used to add the header
header = self.env['ir.actions.report'].render_template("custom_reports.account_report_header_layout", values=rcontext)
header = self.env['ir.actions.report'].render_template("web.minimal_layout", values=dict(rcontext, subst=True, body=header))
Tag used add image <img t-if="company.logo" t-att-src="image_data_uri(company.logo)" alt="Logo" style="height:60pt; width:210pt;"/>
I'm having wkhtmltopdf 0.12.1 (with patched qt) in my ubuntu 16.04
Anyone have any idea?