I want to filter a report monthly, but I couldn't do it, searching this forum I found this method: <filter string = "Today" domain = "[('date', '& lt; =', time .strftime ('% Y -% m-% d 23:59:59 ')), (' date ',' & gt; = ', time.strftime ('% Y-% m-% d 00:00: 00 '))] " />.
however, when I add it to the report view, errors appear.
Does anyone know where it is added, in view of the report or in view of the table, where?link questions foro: \https://www.odoo.com/es_ES/forum/ayuda-1/question/how-to-save-a-filter-with-today-value-from-context-41459
part of the report vie:
<report id = "larger_list" model = "project_rc.account" string = "Lmayor" name = "project_rc.report_cuenta_view" file = "project_rc.report_lmayor" report_type = "qweb-html" /> <template id = "report_cuenta_view"> <t t-call = "web.html_container"> <t t-foreach = "docs" t-as = "i"> <t t-call = "web.internal_layout"> <div class = "page">
h2 style = "text-align: center"> Ledger
<h3> Account <span t-esc = "i.title" /> </h3> <table class = "table"> <tr> <th style = "text-align: center"> Date </th> <th style = "text-align: center"> Corporate name </th> <th style = "text-align: center"> Must </th> <th style = "text-align: center"> credit </th> </tr> <t t-foreach = "i.detalle_documento_ids" t-as = "or"> <tr> <td> <span t-esc = "o.date" /> </td> <td> <span t-esc = "o.corporate_name_id.name" /> </td> <td> <span t-esc = "o.total_must" /> </td> <td> <span t-esc = "o.total_credit" /> </td> </tr> </t>