i want to set default value for one2many tree view here are my tables
class EstimationModel(models.Model):
employee_id = fields.Many2one('res.users',string="Assign to",tracking=1)
project_detail_ids = fields.One2many('project.details', 'estimation_id', string="Project Details")
technology_id = fields.Many2one('technology.info',string="Technology Name",tracking=1)
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('project.tag', string="Project Tags",store=True)
class ProjectDetails(models.Model):
module_name = fields.Char(string="Module Name")
hours = fields.Float(string="hours",related='task_id.hours',readonly=False)
task_notes = fields.Text(string="Notes",related='task_id.task_notes',readonly=False)
task_id = fields.Many2one('add.task', string='Module Name..')
total_hours = fields.Float(string="Total hours",tracking=1)
estimation_id = fields.Many2one('estimation.info', string="estimation")
name = fields.Text(string='Notes', required=False)
category_id = fields.Many2one('project.category',string='Category Name')
class AddTask(models.Model):
technology_id = fields.Many2one('technology.info',string="Technology Name",tracking=1)
tag_ids = fields.Many2many('project.tag', string="Project Tags")
module_name = fields.Char(string="Module Name")
hours = fields.Float(string="hours")
total_hours = fields.Float(string="Total hours",tracking=1)
estimation_id = fields.Many2one('estimation.info', string="estimation")
name = fields.Text(string='Notes', required=False)
notes = fields.Char(string='Add Notes')
task_notes = fields.Text(string='Add Notes')
i want defult value technology vice on project_detail_ids tree view. we get module name , hours and notes from task_id many2one field. anyone have idea how can i set default value for project_detail_ids tree view
hello Ashish Thanks for your replay but you have any idea how we can make it dynamic like i want to filter data technology_id vice for example if user select python technology then it will display only python task and if user select php then it will display one php task