Hi community,
I would like to create a new custom button into a pivot report view who call a function in the on click.
record id="picking_products_form" model="ir.ui.view">
field name="name">action.stock.report
field name="model">stock.quant.report
field name="arch" type="xml">
pivot string="report quant by product">
button name="cron_stock_quant_report" string="Stock Quant" type="object"/>
field name="product_id"/>
field name="qty" type="measure"/>
field name="cost" type="measure"/>
When I tried to open my view, it doesn't work and I have an error : KeyError: u'cron_stock_quant_report'
In my model, I have a function named "cron_stock_quant_report".
If somebody can help me please.