Hello guys,
I have a question about the Chatter: (mail.thread)
I have a Wizard that allows me to add an Attachment. When I click Send, the Attachment should be in the Chat with a body (please see attached file) so that the followers can see it.
here's my code :
piece= fields.Many2many('ir.attachment', string="Pièce", required=True)
def Envoi_Justif(self):
subject = u" Pièce Justificative"
body = u" please see attached file here "
self.message_post(body, attachments_ids=[ self.piece_justif], subject=subject.encode('utf-8'), type="notification")
Field & Button :
<field name="piece" widget="many2many_binary"/>
when i click Send, it gives me this error :
File "/opt/odoo/addons/mail/mail_thread.py", line 1595, in message_post thread_id = thread_id[0] IndexError: list index out of range
any help would be appreciated