i added a computed field to odoo product.template to concatenate some field's strings to make a name of product because of the computed field isn't stored and non searchable i need to add a button with a method to copy this field content into name field so i can search on it
i added a button and do a method just in self product i need the method to go all over the products in each product get name2 content and copy it to Name
class autopart(models.Model):
_inherit = 'product.template'
@api.depends('item', 'car', 'model', 'dsc', 'drc', 'year', 'org')
def compute_amount(self):
for rec in self:
rec.name2 = " ".join(
[rec.item and rec.item.name or "", rec.car and rec.car.name or "", rec.model and rec.model.name or "",
rec.dsc and rec.dsc.name or "", rec.drc and rec.drc.name or "", rec.org and rec.org.name or "",rec.manf and rec.manf.name or "",
rec.year and rec.year.name or "" ])
def button_name(self):
for rec in self:
rec.name = rec.name2
name = fields.Char(string="Name", required=False )
name2 = fields.Char(string="", required=False, compute=compute_amount, )
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