On Odoo v13 :
I added a domain on a many2one field like below, to have only sign request signed :
field name="s_sign_request_id" domain="[['state', '=', 'signed']]"
It works well but if i choose the line "Search more...", in the tree view, there is only signed requests and i could not see others (sent or cancelled)
So i added in my field a context to add a filter by default like this :
field name="s_sign_request_id" domain="[['state', '=', 'signed']]" context="{'search_default_signed': 1, 'state': 'signed'}"
I can see the filter (in the search field on the top right) but only signed requests are displayed even if i unchecked the "signed" filter!?
Is there a way to filter content of the many2one but not content of tree view (except with default filter) ?