i want to acccess a one2many field in the onchange event of the corresponding many2one field.
I have defined 2 Models:
class model_a(osv.osv_memory):
_name = "model.a"
_columns = {'b_ids' : fields.one2many('model.b', 'a_id')}
def test(self):
print "Onchange Function model.a"
for line in self.b_ids:
print line.field1
class model_b(osv.osv_memory):
_name = "model.b"
_columns = {'a_id' : fields.many2one('model.a'),
'field1' : fields.char('field1')}
@api.onchange('field1', 'a_id')
def test(self):
print "Onchange Function model.b"
for line in self.a_id.b_ids:
print self.a_id
print line.field1
There is a view where you can edit the List:
<record id="model_a_tree_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">model_a_tree_view</field>
<field name="model">model.a</field>
<field name="type">form</field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<form string="Test">
<group >
<group colspan="4">
<field name="b_ids" widget="one2many_list" colspan="4">
<tree string="b_s" editable="bottom" >
<field name="a_id" invisible="1" />
<field name="field1" />
I expected to see all model.b entries in the one2many field b_ids. Instead i get only the current entry.
I could use the onchange funtion of model.a field b_ids, but i cant see wich line has changed and i would have to revalidate all entries.
Output 1st Element added (the field1 text is still blank):
Onchange Function model.a
Onchange Function model.b
model.a(<openerp.models.NewId object at 0xad20f3ec>,)
Output 1st Element added (field1 = Test 1):
Onchange Function model.b
model.a(<openerp.models.NewId object at 0xad21658c>,)
Test 1
Onchange Function model.a
Test 1
Everything works like excpected so far. If i add another element (field1 = Test 2) the onchange function in Model b cant see the first entry:
Onchange Function model.b
model.a(<openerp.models.NewId object at 0xad2298ac>,)
Test 2
Onchange Function model.a
Test 1
Test 2
In the onchange function for model.a self.b_ids is:
b: model.b(<openerp.models.NewId object at 0xad1c73ec>, <openerp.models.NewId object at 0xad1c7b6c>)
in the onchange function for model.b self.a_id.b_ids is:
b: model.b(<openerp.models.NewId object at 0xad1d3b6c>,)
Is it possible to see all entries in the onchange function for field1 or see wich item was modified in the onchange function for a one2many field (including new lines without id)?
What version of Odoo are you using?
I am using Verison 8.0 cloned today from GitHub Repository, created a new Database and wrote a Demo Module.