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I have written following rule in employee profile to restrict employee subordinate hierarchy view:
[('id', 'child_of', [ for employee in user.employee_ids])]
Refer page:
Odoo access error

The requested operation cannot be completed due to security restrictions. Please contact your system administrator.

(Document type: hr.employee, Operation: read)

is showing while creating leave request by an employee. From the log, I understood that error occurs because of Odoo trying to access manager of the employee. No warning message is showing while accessing employee profile.
Please help me to sort out this issue.


Give the access to write or create for the current user group for the model 'hr.employee'

Best Answer

This is not a good solution. What you can do is that give access rights for the group for that model or you can add related_sudo=True along with that. Which will have the admin power

Author Best Answer

I got the issue. In hr.holidays , there is a related field to Employee's manager. Error showing while updating manager reference in the record since an employee cannot access his/her reporting officer profile.

The issue is fixed by converting the related field to field function and change type from Many2one to Char.

Please suggest if you have any better idea.
