I'm trying to put a different class on an html tag in a view only if in the Attendances module, which in my database is menu_id=330&action=461. How can I programmatically figure out if the associated view is the one that is loaded? I've tried lots of different ways. None of the following work for me:
<nav t-if="menu_data['children'][0]['id']==330" id="oe_main_menu_navbar" class="navbar navbar-inverse hidden-xs hidden-sm" groups="base.group_user,base.group_portal">
<nav t-if="action==461" id="oe_main_menu_navbar" class="navbar navbar-inverse hidden-xs hidden-sm" groups="base.group_user,base.group_portal">
<nav t-if="not title=='Attendance'" id="oe_main_menu_navbar" class="navbar navbar-inverse" groups="base.group_user,base.group_portal">