I would like to create a custom module that allows me to define a relationship between different parts numbers that might be shared across multiple models.
Here are some examples:
Powered by Batteries/Electronic Category:
Model A1
Model A2
Model A3
Powered by Gas/Pneumatic Category:
Model B1
Model B2
Model B3
Between these different models and product categories there may be multiple instances where they use the same parts, however the parts names/numbers are different on the parts diagram for any given model.
For my own use I will be creating the relationship between the parts numbers from the parts diagrams for each model across the different models and product categories which consists of ~30,000 unique parts splitting off into ~100,000 different model-specific parts numbers.
I have all of the parts numbers set up as simple products that can be put together using a BoM and I would then like to calculate pricing according to the BoM cost pricing (this BoM calculation is for another question/thread).
Before I try to design a module myself to define the relationship i'd like to know if anyone has encountered a similar problem, and if there is already a module(s) out there that creates this relationship.
If there is a module out there already, i'll take a look as i'd rather not re-invent the wheel, but if there's not i'd like to ask for community input on what type of relationship would be best in this situation (eg. one2many in a tab on product.template), and what views should be created to display/connect the parts to each other (eg. website_sale product page).
My plan is to display the compatibility between parts numbers on the parts number (or parts kit in the case of multiple parts assembled into a unit) on the website's product page with links back to the various different compatible parts or parts kits pages, as well as having these relationships defined in the backend product profile (eg. Sales > Product > Individual Product profile) in a tab.
Any feedback on this would be very much appreciated.