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Today I got the following error message while trying to open the Demo-ERP ("OpenERP S.A."). I'm using version Version 7.saas~1:

Internal Server Error {"message": "OpenERP Server Error", "code": 200, "data": {"debug": "Traceback (most recent call last):\n File \"/home/odoo/src/web/saas-1/addons/web/\", line 304, in dispatch\n r = method(self, *self.params)\n File \"/home/odoo/src/addons/saas-1/auth_oauth/controllers/\", line 102, in oea\n registry = RegistryManager.get(dbname)\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/modules/\", line 206, in get\n update_module)\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/modules/\", line 222, in new\n registry = Registry(db_name)\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/modules/\", line 78, in __init__\n cr = self.db.cursor()\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/\", line 479, in cursor\n return Cursor(self._pool, self.dbname, serialized=serialized)\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/\", line 177, in __init__\n self._cnx = pool.borrow(dsn(dbname))\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/\", line 372, in _locked\n return fun(self, *args, *kwargs)\n File \"/home/odoo/src/server/saas-1/openerp/\", line 435, in borrow\n result = psycopg2.connect(dsn=dsn, connection_factory=PsycoConnection)\n File \"/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/psycopg2/\", line 164, in connect\n conn = _connect(dsn, connection_factory=connection_factory, async=async)\nOperationalError: FATAL: database \"openerp.12-05.small.70\" does not exist\n\n", "message": "FATAL: database \"openerp.12-05.small.70\" does not exist\n", "name": "psycopg2.OperationalError", "arguments": ["FATAL: database \"openerp.12-05.small.70\" does not exist\n"]}}

The Demo -Shop I toyed with around myself can't be opened either - here it says

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on the server. If you entered the URL manually please check your spelling and try again.

What do I have to do? The trial period hasn't run out, as far as I know...
