I was able to increase the number of unit price decimals by 2 to 3 numbers. While the total price is still 2 decimal.
Thank you to assiste me.
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I was able to increase the number of unit price decimals by 2 to 3 numbers. While the total price is still 2 decimal.
Thank you to assiste me.
Hello Odooers,
I think if you are dealing with Monetary fields, then you dont need any code change, only need to set proper
Try this: https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/adding-additional-decimal-point-in-price-computation-15906
Hi Haresh,
Thank you for your reply. My problem seems a bit like what you sent me.But concerning my exercise case, the total price and subtotal is displayed with two decimal places only. While unit prices are conveniently displayed with 3 decimals
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