Error says cannot open because have 2 sessions open, but cannot close a session.
Both sessions show but there is no time next to them.
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Error says cannot open because have 2 sessions open, but cannot close a session.
Both sessions show but there is no time next to them.
This is what I did as a workaround, I updated this file odoo/addons/point_of_sale/models/
Look for function below, and change the " > 1" check to " > 2" and update odoo module, then I can open and then close the other session.
@api.constrains('user_id', 'state')
def _check_unicity(self):
# open if there is no session in 'opening_control', 'opened', 'closing_control' for one user
if self.search_count([
('state', 'not in', ('closed', 'closing_control')),
('user_id', '=',,
('rescue', '=', False)
]) > 1:
raise ValidationError(_("You cannot create two active sessions with the same responsible."))
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