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Version: Odoo 15e / Self-Hosted


I’m trying to find a setting in Odoo that will generate as many transfers as I have lines on my purchase order. if that doesn’t make sense here’s an example:

I need to dropship a total of 1000 TV’s from Samsung

I need a delivery of 400 on 12/20/2021, another delivery of 250 on 02/20/2022 and finally 350 on 04/01/2022.

Currently Odoo puts all of them on one transfer, with separate lines showing a scheduled date of 12/20/2021. I have to create back orders for the remaining 600 units after the initial delivery instead of just having 3 transfers generated from the beginning since my PO lines each have the delivery date filled out correctly  

Does this require special programming? If so, this seems too logical for it to be an oversight. Should I expect issues in other areas of Odoo if I implement this?


Here's an example of a PO created in runbot

Plus, an example of the dropship created

Best Answer


Same like your requirement we have develop the module for create the picking based on the schedule date.

Please take a look on the below module

Best Answer
from itertools import groupby

from odoo import api, fields, models

class PurchaseOrderLine(models.Model):
    _inherit = "purchase.order.line"

    def _get_group_keys(self, order, line, picking=False):
        """Define the key that will be used to group. The key should be
        defined as a tuple of dictionaries, with each element containing a
        dictionary element with the field that you want to group by. This
        method is designed for extensibility, so that other modules can add
        additional keys or replace them by others."""
        date =
        # Split date value to obtain only the attributes year, month and day
        key = ({"date_planned": fields.Date.to_string(date)},)
        return key

    def _first_picking_copy_vals(self, key, lines):
        """The data to be copied to new pickings is updated with data from the
        grouping key.  This method is designed for extensibility, so that
        other modules can store more data based on new keys."""
        vals = {"move_lines": []}
        for key_element in key:
            if "date_planned" in key_element.keys():
                vals["scheduled_date"] = key_element["date_planned"]
        return vals

    def _get_sorted_keys(self, line):
        """Return a tuple of keys to use in order to sort the order lines.
        This method is designed for extensibility, so that other modules can
        add additional keys or replace them by others."""
        return (line.date_planned,)

    def _create_stock_moves(self, picking):
        """Group the receptions in one picking per group key"""
        moves = self.env["stock.move"]
        # Group the order lines by group key
        order_lines = sorted(
            self.filtered(lambda l: not l.display_type),
            key=lambda l: self._get_sorted_keys(l),
        date_groups = groupby(
            order_lines, lambda l: self._get_group_keys(l.order_id, l, picking=picking)

        first_picking = False
        # If a picking is provided, use it for the first group only
        if picking:
            first_picking = picking
            key, lines = next(date_groups)
            po_lines = self.env["purchase.order.line"]
            for line in list(lines):
                po_lines += line
            moves += super(PurchaseOrderLine, po_lines)._create_stock_moves(

        for key, lines in date_groups:
            # If a picking is provided, clone it for each key for modularity
            if picking:
                copy_vals = self._first_picking_copy_vals(key, lines)
                picking = first_picking.copy(copy_vals)
            po_lines = self.env["purchase.order.line"]
            for line in list(lines):
                po_lines += line
            moves += super(PurchaseOrderLine, po_lines)._create_stock_moves(picking)
        return moves

    def write(self, values):
        res = super().write(values)
        if "date_planned" in values:
        return res

class PurchaseOrder(models.Model):
    _inherit = "purchase.order"

    def _check_split_pickings(self):
        for order in self:
            moves = self.env["stock.move"].search(
                    ("purchase_line_id", "in", order.order_line.ids),
                    ("state", "not in", ("cancel", "done")),
            pickings = moves.mapped("picking_id")
            pickings_by_date = {}
            for pick in pickings:
                pickings_by_date[] = pick
            order_lines = moves.mapped("purchase_line_id")
            date_groups = groupby(
                order_lines, lambda l: l._get_group_keys(l.order_id, l)
            for key, lines in date_groups:
                date_key = fields.Date.from_string(key[0]["date_planned"])
                for line in lines:
                    for move in line.move_ids:
                        if move.state in ("cancel", "done"):
                        if != date_key:
                            if date_key not in pickings_by_date:
                                copy_vals = line._first_picking_copy_vals(key, line)
                                new_picking = move.picking_id.copy(copy_vals)
                                pickings_by_date[date_key] = new_picking
                            move.picking_id = pickings_by_date[date_key]
                            move.date_deadline = date_key
            for picking in pickings_by_date.values():
                if len(picking.move_lines) == 0:
                    picking.write({"state": "cancel"})

class StockPicking(models.Model):
    _inherit = "stock.picking"

    def _update_picking_from_group_key(self, key):
        """The picking is updated with data from the grouping key.
        This method is designed for extensibility, so that other modules
        can store more data based on new keys."""
        for rec in self:
            for key_element in key:
                if "date_planned" in key_element.keys():
           = key_element["date_planned"]
        return False

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