hi i have tow module one: l10n_dz (chart account of algeria) tow: account_cetic(custom module)to add tow field boolean in account.account and it s work ,
class AccountAccount(models.Model):
_inherit = 'account.account'
is_section_management = fields.Boolean(string='Section Gestion ',
help="Check this box if this account have a section management.")
is_partner = fields.Boolean(string='Tiers ',
help="Check this box if this account have a partner.")
now i add data file in l10n_dz for the account.account this is the file
<record id="dz_pcg_411200" model="account.account.template">
<field name="name">Clients direc. Informat.</field>
<field name="code">411200</field>
<field name="user_type_id" ref="account.data_account_type_receivable"/>
<field name="reconcile" eval="True"/>
<field name="is_partner" eval="True"/>
<field name="chart_template_id" ref="l10n_dz_pcg_chart_template"/>
<field name="group_id" ref="l10n_dz.account_group_411" />
averything come in table just the tow field it show me :
odoo.models: account.account.template.create() includes unknown fields: is_partner, is_section_management
see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zb5gY7s4w90