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2 Replies


I'm not really sure how to use search function correctly lets say i want to find start_date based on the id?


  def end_date(self, cr, uid, ids, values, arg, context):
            y = self.pool.get('pp.control')
            other_table2 =, uid,[('id','=','4')])

this gives me result 4, but lets say if i want to retreave start_date from pp.control where id =4? is it possible with search? or is it possible to search the value with multiple conditions like id=4 and some_field=some_value?

Also i tried to do that with cr.execute, it works fine but the issue im facing that it gives me results like : ('2015-02-19',)

There is any way to get only 2015-02-19?

example code:

  def end_date(self, cr, uid, ids, values, arg, context):
            for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
                cr.execute("SELECT start_date FROM pp_control WHERE  id = 4")
                res =  cr.fetchone()               
                x[] = res
            return x

Any help and examples would be appreciated

Thank you,

Best Answer


  Try this,

def end_date(self, cr, uid, ids, values, arg, context):
            y = self.pool.get('pp.control')
            other_table2 =, uid,[('id','=','4'), ('other_field', '=', True)])

            record = y.browse(cr, uid, other_table2[0])


#in search method, you can give as many search criteria as you want

            you can get value by accessing this way record.start_date will give you output as 2015-02-19

For more details, Go through Doc

Hope this will help you.


Author Best Answer

Thanks for the multiple condition i got that :),

but considering the other_table2.start_date

  def end_date(self, cr, uid, ids, values, arg, context):
            y = self.pool.get('pp.control')
            other_table2 =, uid,[('id','=','4')])
            res = other_table2.start_date
            return res

_columns = {
    'name': fields.many2one('xref.option', 'Platform', required=True, domain="[('type','=','Platform')]"),
    'end_date' : fields.function(end_date, method=True, string='End Date', type="char")

im getting 

end_date res = other_table2.start_date AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'start_date'


It should be res = other_table2[0].start_date


then i get this ;/ end_date res = other_table2[0].start_date AttributeError: 'int' object has no attribute 'start_date'

From above code, It would be better to use, browse method if you want to fetch any record through id only, you can go through doc which i have mentioned in my answer to know use of browse method.

Oh yeah, Its 7.0 version. check my updated answer to get solution


with your updated answer i will get result 4 not the start_date from pp.control, but thanks for your patience, i will have a look at that documentation to get understanding.

check again, you should will get browsable record of id 4, and access like record.start_date, If still facing issue, let me know


My apologies, haven't seen record.start_date, it's works :) Many thanks Mansi Kariya!

Sorry for contacting you through mail directly.

Your help really assisted me, i got also some questions like.

I want to replace that 4 with attribute but record.control_id outputs pp.control(4,) which is correct but how to retrieve raw data only 4? without pp.control?

Code example below:
def end_date(self, cr, uid, ids, values, arg, context):
            y = self.pool.get('pp.control')

            for record in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
                other_table2 =, uid,[('id','=',record.control_id)])
                #other_table2 =, uid,[('id','=','4')])
                res2 = y.browse(cr, uid, other_table2[0])                          
                x[] = (datetime.strptime(res2.start_date, '%Y-%m-%d') + relativedelta(months=record.platform_duration)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')             
            return x

  _columns = {
    'name': fields.many2one('xref.option', 'Platform', required=True, domain="[('type','=','Platform')]"),
    'platform_start': fields.integer('Platform Start', help='Month during which platform will first be required'),
    'platform_duration': fields.integer('Duration', help='Number of months that that the platform is required)'),
    'control_id': fields.many2one('pp.control', 'Plan'),
    #'end_date': fields.char(compute='_end_date', string='End Date', help='Calculated as start date plus duration in months'),
    'end_date' : fields.function(end_date, method=True, string='End Date', type="char")

Thanks in advance :)

On 25 February 2015 at 11:49, Mansi Kariya (mka) <> wrote:

check again, you should will get browsable record of id 4, and access like record.start_date, If still facing issue, let me know


Darius Martinkus | Zeraxis Limited
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