Odoo Mobile for Notes, Meetings and Messages
Location: Discovery / Foyer Royal - 6/5/14, 12:30 PM - 6/5/14, 12:50 PM (Europe/Brussels) (20 minutes)
Odoo Mobile for Notes, Meetings and Messages

What you will Learn ? 

Get the details about OpenERP Mobile Application

  • Features of the Social client Application
  • Roadmap for the Social client Application

Get the Quick overview of OpenERP Mobile Framework

Why should you attend?

To get the details of framework that allows you to rapidly develop your own native mobile application based on the OpenERP Mobile Framework. It takes less then a day to develop any mobile application for OpenERP (i.e. HR Timesheet, WMS stock movements, etc..)

Join us and have a look at what you can do with OpenERP Mobile client and How quickly you can develop your own mobile application for OpenERP.