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2-day training: Odoo 11 Development
Developer Training
Location: Aula Magna / Biéreau - 10/2/17, 9:00 AM - 10/3/17, 1:00 AM (Europe/Brussels) (16 hours)
2-day training: Odoo 11 Development
Stanislas Sobieski - Technical Consultant, Odoo
Stanislas Sobieski - Technical Consultant, Odoo

Introduction to Odoo Development

Date: Monday, Oct. 2nd & Tuesday, Oct. 3rd
Time: From 9:00 am to 5:00 pm
Location: Aula Magna • Belgium

Lunch and Drinks are included for each day of the training.

What will you learn?

Learn basic usage of Odoo Framework, and be able to create a new module from scratch. From business needs to new models, new fields, and interaction between them.


This at initiation/starting level. Basic Python 2 knowledge is needed for this training.

Why should you attend?

Have a better understanding of Odoo framework, how it works and how the different pieces come together.


This training session will be divided in 5 modules:

1. Models, Fields and Relations 

The goal of this module is to learn how the models/objects in Odoo are defined and how they interact with each other. The learner will be able to:

  • Translate a simple situation into models that will fit the Odoo framework;

  • Define a simple model;

  • Define simple fields on a model;

  • Define relational fields between models.

2. Computed Fields, Onchange and Constraints

The goal of this module is to learn how to have fields interacting with others, and to automatically compute values based on other fields. This includes:

  • Computed fields;

  • Related fields;

  • The depends decorator;

  • Storing computed fields in the database;

  • Onchange triggers, constraints.

3. Actions, Menus and Views

The goal of this module is to learn how to display information for the end users, to learn how to design basic views and how to alter field properties. The learner will be able to:

  • Activate and use the developer mode;

  • Create a menu item;

  • Link windows action to menu item;

  • Design list, form and search views from scratch;

  • Design embedded views for Many2many and One2many fields;

  • Define field properties, statically and dynamically.

4. Model Inheritance

Odoo provides two inheritance mechanisms to extend an existing model in a modular way. With the Odoo inheritance mechanisms, you can:

  • Add or override fields, methods, constraints on an existing model;

  • Factor out some generic code in model mixins;

  • Associate each records from a model with a parent record from another model;

  • The purpose of this module is to learn these inheritance mechanisms.

5. View Inheritance

Odoo provides an inheritance mechanism to extend a view in a modular way. The view extension describes modifications of the XML of the extended view. It can, for instance, add elements, modify elements or modify element attributes. It usually complements model extensions.

  • The purpose of this module is to learn this inheritance mechanism.