Odoo Helps Auto Parts Company with Major Customizations
Location: Second Floor - Hall 1 - 11/30/23, 2:30 PM - 11/30/23, 3:00 PM (US/Eastern) (30 minutes)
Andrey Kolesnikov
Business Development Manager at Steersman Company
Andrey Kolesnikov
Business Development Manager at Steersman Company

Andrey manages Odoo implementations at Steersman Company for 8 years, specializing in ecommerce, manufacturing and distribution. Prior to Steersman, Andrey ran an ecommerce distributor. BS in mechanical engineering (IIT), MBA (IE Business School).

An in-depth look into how Steersman found it critical to build from the ground-up with Odoo. They became incredibly familiar (and comfortable) with "out-of-the-box" Odoo usage before doing customizations. 

If a customizing need required it, they would use Odoo to build general features first, then add more specialized logic. Their efforts were always thoroughly designed prior to having code written. 

During this talk, the audience will discover the steps needed to take on a large project of this nature, and what to expect/lessons learned during implementation. 

Target audience: Companies looking to migrate to Odoo from outdated, industry-specialized business software. 

For added specificity, this particular customer (Steersman) formerly relied on old software for the always-evolving automotive parts business. This software was outdated and clunky, not scalable for the company’s desired growth, but it did fulfill the peculiar needs of this industry - albeit inefficiently. 

The company had multiple retail stores, an eCommerce store, and phone sales. They offer roughly 500,000 products in their catalog, and all of them continuously change in price -- with category-specific discounts applied to various types of customers. Their product data is supplied in special automotive data formats (ACES/PIES). Some products have “cores” that must be invoiced separately from the remainder of a product, and spent "cores" can be returned for credit, under certain conditions (e.g. buying a car battery and returning an old battery). They would also provide simple manufacturing in their stores to make special hoses – which would consist of different materials, lengths, connectors, clips, etc. In short, there are thousands of variations that must be priced in real-time. and each must have specific BoMs.