Odoo Connect 2019
The Odoo Partner's Roadmap To Success
Location: Portal 2 - 11/6/19, 11:30 AM - 11/6/19, 11:50 AM (US/Pacific) (20 minutes)
The Odoo Partner's Roadmap To Success
Elizabeth Sanchez, Head of Partnerships & Alliances, Americas at Odoo
Elizabeth Sanchez, Head of Partnerships & Alliances, Americas at Odoo

Elizabeth Sanchez is the Head of the Partnership & Alliances Department for the Americas. She is currently focusing on building and guiding the Partnership Advisers, as well as, growing Odoo’s ecosystem in the Americas. With nearly 3yrs of experience, Elizabeth ensures new partners feel supported and become successful as she enjoys strategizing and helping them embark on a new business venture. 

We will discuss a roadmap for partners that will help them become successful within their first year. We will cover four main subjects: Sales, Product Knowledge, Delivery & Marketing. Your sales team needs to know how to differentiate Odoo in the marketplace from a business model, product and services standpoint. They need to learn the do's and don'ts of demoing Odoo, qualifying and finally closing an end client. As a company, you will need to choose a partner strategy and determine if you will be a Quick-start partner or a Custom project partner. This will help you determine the type of resources you need to have as well as the level of product knowledge each member should have. Delivering/Implementing a successful project is important and we will share recommendations and traps to avoid. We will then discuss different marketing strategies that can help generate new leads for your company and help you grow.