Reem for Heaters

Reem for Heaters

Reem Heaters Factory Company was established in 1983 as a family company. It

was registered as a Saudi company under Commercial Registry No. 1010193848.

Its successes quickly grew and it was transformed into a closed Saudi joint stock

company to include integrated production lines for the manufacture of water

heaters in different sizes to suit the needs of the consumer, whether residential,

for separate units, or a central water heater. Manufacturing should be done

according to the customer’s desire and in accordance with his needs

تأسست شركة مصنع ريم للسخانات عام 1983م كشركة عائلية وسجلت شركة سعودية بموجب السجل التجاري رقم

1010193848 وسرعان ما تنامت نجاحاتها وتحولت الى شركة مساهمة سعودية مقفلة لتشمل خطوط انتاج متكاملة لصناعة

سخانات المياه بأحجام مختلفة لتناسب احتياج المستهلك سواء كان سكني لوحدات متفرقة او سخان مياه مركزي او ان يتم التصنيع