Hoppec Chemicals & Polymers

Hoppec Chemicals & Polymers

HOPPEC Rubber Industries Company was established since 2010 as a leading company in the field of manufacturing rubber floors, as our goal was to enter the green economy, recycle products and reuse raw materials in line with adding value to products that were used before and providing an environmentally friendly product that is safe and easy to use.

HOPPEC has set its vision to be one of the leading manufacturers of rubber tiles in the Middle East, by manufacturing products of international quality and meeting the expectations and needs of our customers..

Hoppec’s Mission is to have an important role in the Egyptian industry and the world at large. We offer high quality products that compete with other global products.

HOPPEC is committed to principles and values that define the nature of its work and its paths, namely: improving performance, employee development, justice and integrity, team spirit, and maintaining the integrity of the work team.