MTWA International Investment Co Ltd Invests with Odoo

Company Name: MTWA International Investment Co. Ltd.

Country: Sudan

Industry: Industrial Supplies

Implementing Partner: IATL IntelliSoft Business Solutions Co Ltd 

Main Apps implemented: Leaves/Time Off, Purchase, CRM, Sales, Accounting, Invoicing, Inventory, Recruitment. 

Number of Odoo Users: 20

Odoo Customer Success Manager: Hitham Adel Hafez (hah)

The Star!

MTWA International Investment is one of the largest construction and Industrial equipment company that provides all types of equipment for the relevant sectors from diesel generators, Air Compressors, Heavy Duty Trucks, Earth Moving Equipment and After Sales services. With a massive network of sister companies and subsidiaries, ACO Sudan is the largest renewable energy company in Sudan, providing all types of renewable energy solutions but specialising in Solar and Wind. 

Problems & Solutions

Before Odoo, they were utterly dependent on excel and staff reports which took time, sometimes unreliable and ineffective due to human error, the company of that size and stature could not afford to be making.

Sales Forecasting, Financial Variance reports, budgeting, performance monitoring, Inventory monitoring and re-ordering, among other things. It had been long pending to be optimised and streamlined. Thankfully, with fully equipped team assistance from the implementing partner and the foundation quickstart method with Odoo, they could cover all ends successfully.

When we asked them what applications they believed were the biggest influencers on how they conducted business, they mentioned: "CRM, Sales and Inventory were complete game changers for us."

These apps had allowed them to improve stock cycles, with a different process being added this year and the expectation of further increased cycles in 2022 and 2023. Moreover, it allowed for shortened closing rates as the majority of stock is now linked to the bulk of open opportunities.

Management can now focus and lead more effectively regarding massive deals due to the availability of data analysis.

From the financial and productivity perspective, personnel costs have been reduced by 15%, with the system autonomizing certain roles making them 100% more efficient and cost-effective. Paired with updated market analysis data, suppliers adjust manufacturing plans accordingly. Due to the autonomy and ability to forecast accurately, revenue has been maintained despite the pandemic and the country's political situation with the expectation that 2022 will provide a 30% increase in revenue.

The instant reporting and analysis that Odoo incorporated within the business allows management and directors more time to concentrate on increasing revenues, time that would have been spent on processing data, analysing it and coming to conclusions and recommendations, which the system provides instantly.

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