Electronic Invoicing
Signature Provider
Odoo provides users with three Signature Provider options for Electronic Invoice Workflows:
- IAP (Odoo In-App Purchase)
- Digiflow
Document Types
You can now select from a wide range of document types, such as: "Factura," "Boletas," "Notas de Crédito," "Notas de Débito," and "Facturas para Clientes del Exterior."

Chart of Accounts
NIIF Compatibility
New Chart of Accounts based on the most updated version of the PCGE, which is grouped in several categories, and compatible with NIIF accounting.
The Chart of Accounts is installed by default, as part of the data set included in the localization module. The accounts are automatically mapped in:
- Taxes
- Default Account Payable
- Default Account Receivable
Functional Documentation
Odoo makes it easier for users to configure and implement the localization, by following the steps (and advice) found in our functional documentation.
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