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Payments and outstanding accounts
In this video, learn about Odoo's payment statuses and how to manage your payments.
What are “Outstanding” accounts used for?
Placeholder accounts used to mark unpaid invoices and bills for the aged receivables and aged payables reports.
They are transitory accounts used to reconcile the registered payment with the invoice or bill until the payment can be reconciled with the bank transaction.
Transitory accounts used to reconcile the registered partial payment with the invoice or bill until the full payment can be reconciled with the bank transaction.
When is an invoice or bill marked as “Paid” in Odoo?
What is the purpose of the “Group Payments” option?
How does the “Register Payment” button on an invoice or bill differ from manually creating a payment for that invoice or bill?
The “Register Payment” button automatically reconciles the payment with the invoice.
The “Register Payment” button automatically creates a draft payment filled out with the related information, but it must be posted manually.
The “Register Payment” button automatically automatically reconciles the payment with the invoice and also automatically reconciles it with the bank transaction.
How can I bypass the need for bank transaction reconciliation in the case of cash payments?