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Seer Business Systems

Seer Business Systems

I am looking to use my skills and experience as an ERP consultant to assist small businesses in need of CRM, inventory management, accounting, sales, invoicing, marketing, HR, and other business solutions. My goal is to help these companies optimize their operations, improve efficiency, and drive growth through the use of effective and efficient technology solutions. Whether it's streamlining processes, automating tasks, or improving customer relationships, I am eager to work with small businesses and help them achieve their goals. Keith Mikel is a seasoned ERP consultant with a passion for helping small to mid-sized companies streamline their operations and achieve success. He graduated with a degree in supply chain and marketing from the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota, before entering the medical device manufacturing industry where he became obsessed with processes and the power of ERP. With a wealth of experience in SAP, Keith has honed his skills as an ERP consultant, focusing on mid-sized companies. He has found that his true calling is working with small to mid-sized businesses, helping them standardize their unique processes and take full advantage of the benefits of ERP software