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Keyrus NV
Nijverheidslaan 3/2
1853 Strombeek-Bever Vlaams-Brabant
+32 499 33 08 93
Accounting.KDI@keyrus.com guillaume.michaux@keyrus.com
Services & Consulting

Keyrus NV

From Client to Partner: The Keyrus Journey with Odoo

The Keyrus journey with Odoo is a narrative of transformation—from experiencing the robust capabilities of Odoo as a client to embracing the platform's full potential as an esteemed partner. This unique perspective has fuelled our approach to digital transformation, embedding within us a profound understanding of Odoo's impact on business processes and growth. With Odoo integral to our internal workings, from Timesheet to Expenses, we've refined our expertise, embodying the platform’s versatility and strength.

As a partner, we channel this in-depth knowledge into each client project, dedicated to sculpting solutions that are not just efficient and secure, but also intrinsically tailored to enhance user experience. Our journey is a testament to the power of partnership and innovation with Odoo, paving the way for your enterprise's future success.

Why Partner with Keyrus?

  • Strategic Innovation: At Keyrus, we blend cutting-edge technology with strategic foresight to deliver solutions that pave the way for your digital transformation journey. Our innovative practices ensure your Odoo implementation is not just current but future ready.
  • Project Acumen: With years of experience managing large-scale projects for top-tier clients, Keyrus has developed a robust approach to project execution. We bring this disciplined project acumen to every Odoo deployment, ensuring meticulous attention to detail and alignment with your business objectives.
  • Integrated Systems Expertise: Beyond Odoo, Keyrus possesses extensive experience in harmonizing a range of additional software solutions, creating a harmonised technology environment that drives efficiency and growth.
  • Client-Centric Solutions: Understanding that each client's landscape is unique, we provide tailored Odoo solutions that are pragmatic, scalable, and aligned with your specific business needs. Our client-centric focus ensures that we deliver not just a service but a partnership.
  • Unwavering Support: Our relationship with clients goes beyond project completion. With Keyrus, you receive continuous support and guidance, ensuring your Odoo solution evolves alongside your business.

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Connect with Keyrus

Partner with Keyrus to navigate the digital landscape with confidence and innovation. Our unique perspective as both a user and advocate of Odoo equips us with the insights and expertise necessary to propel your business forward. For more information or to connect with us, https://keyrus.com/be/en/partners#/Odoo


Keyrus NV
Unlock business excellence with Keyrus, your trusted Odoo partner. We bring unparalleled Odoo mastery, leveraging in-house implementation expertise. Our proven project excellence ensures transformative results, from meticulous planning to flawless execution. Benefit from deep Odoo knowledge, project prowess, and tailored transformations. Elevate your operations with Keyrus—your strategic partner for efficiency and growth.