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Industry: Event Management

Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Geographical Presence – Middle East

Licenses: 10 

Major Applications Implemented: Project Management, Purchase, HRM, Accounting, Sales, CRM, Inventory, Marketing.

 BrainStation25 approached No1Events to explore the ERP possibility and realized that they are in dire need of an ERP solution to align their business operations. In a fast-paced Event business, information is the key to success and handling multifarious activities across different events at a time was a painful & error prone exercise.

 BrainStation25 proposed No1Events a holistic Odoo solution that can give them a 360-degree view of their operations to organize themselves effectively. With their strong Technological capabilities, BrainStation25 not only integrated their complete core operations on Odoo Platform but developed/customized many features across the applications, thus bringing in all-round effectiveness and visibility to all concerned stakeholders. 


No1Events faced several operational challenges that hindered their efficiency and profitability. They required a streamlined approach to manage their events (projects), track customer quotations, monitor stock levels, conduct data-driven marketing, and oversee employee management and payroll. Relying on disparate software systems and Excel spreadsheets for these functions proved inefficient, time-consuming, and resulted in revenue losses.



BS25 implemented Odoo to integrate and streamline all business functions for No1Events. This comprehensive solution enabled seamless management of opportunities, improved project execution, and optimized human resource management. The implementation reduced time consumption and errors, significantly enhancing operational efficiency and revenue generation.