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Hi all,
I want to add Partner filter type with values customer and vendor in partner ledger dynamic report, after account .

For that I am inheriting account_report.search_template, but it is not reflecting custom changes after inheritance.
Please check code and let me know what modification required.
Thanks in advance

<template id="search_template_partner_type">
<a type="button" class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown">
<span class="fa fa-user"/>
Partner type:
<t t-set="partner_value" t-value="'All'"/>
t-foreach="options['partner_type']" t-as="p">
t-if="p.get('selected') == True">
t-set="partner_value" t-value="''"/>
class="dropdown-menu o_filters_menu" role="menu">
t-foreach="options['partner_type']" t-as="p">
t-att-title="p.get('name')" t-att-data-id="p.get('id')" data-filter="partner_type" class="js_account_report_choice_filter"><a><t t-esc="p.get('name')"/>

<--Inheriting base template-->
id="template_search_partner_type_report" inherit_id="account_reports.search_template">
expr="//div[@class='account_reports.search_template_account_type']" position="after">
<div class="btn-group o_dropdown o_account_reports_filter_partner_type">
<t t-call="tax_report.search_template_partner_type" />
</div> </xpath>


Author Best Answer

This worked by changing xpath:
Thank you.

<template id="template_search_partner_type_report" inherit_id="account_reports.search_template" >
<xpath expr="//div[@class='btn-group o_dropdown o_account_reports_filter_analytic']" position="after">
<div class="btn-group o_dropdown o_account_reports_filter_partner_type" t-if="options.get('partner_type') != None">
<t t-call="tax_report.search_template_partner_type" />

could you please help me to add journal filter in aged payable dynamic report !


sure Sakthi, you can inherit account.partner.ledger and add filter

Thanks @ Ms Renukha. But already there's a journal filter in general ledger report. Is there a way to call the same in aged payable report?