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We have a project to manage our product claim based on task. In our product claims I want to be able to add the purchase date. Therefore I created a new field x_date_purchase in the project.task model and an inherited view of the project.task.form. Now the new purchase date field is available in all task of all projects.

Is it also possible to create an inherited view dedicated to only one project so that this new field is only available in the product claims project?

Best Answer


view dedicated to only one projec must you need to know id project 'id in database'.

and in your field must be used attribut 'invisible' :

for example project 1 :

<field name="x_date_purchase"  attrs="{'invisible':[('project_id','!=',1)]}"  />

to know id project in database active mode developer and in form project.project clik to view log:

image description
