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After watching the tutorial I'm left with the question of how to carry over legal leaves from one year to the next.

According to the video, I have a leave type "Annual Time Off 2020" with a validity period starting from 01/01/2020 until 12/31/2020. When an employees has a balance at the end of the year, how do I carry over this balance to the next year, and do I have to create a new Time Off type "Annual Time Off 2021" and how?


did you found any solution for this?

Best Answer


To carry forward the balanced leaves to next year, you just need to empty field(To) inside Validity period. Refer SS:- \

Best Answer
In Odoo workflow we don't have the provision for carry forward just like you mentioned. We cannot move the remaining leaves of one leave type to another leave type.
Instead of this methodology Odoo uses leave accruals to create new leaves. If you configure the leave type and create an allocation in such a way by enabling the leave accruals and configure it like 1 day leave in 1 month. Then on every month he will get a new leave. For example the employee joined in june and then he will get 6 months remaining leaves by the end of the year if he didn't create any leave requests. And by default workflow the remaining leaves will be available there until the leave type expires.
Also please ensure that you didn't give the expiry date(End date) to the leave type If you give any end date the leave type got expired and you will lose the remaining leaves. Or else the leaves will be available to you until you request the corresponding leaves.