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5 Replies

I'm trying to get a code to allow users to upload images in some website module, that is the solution:

And with that code you can upload a file to ir.attachment.

<form t-attf-action="/someurl" method="post" role="form" nctype="multipart/form-data">
                <span class="btn btn-primary btn-file mt16">
Upload picture
<input type="file" name="picture"/>


@http.route('/someurl', type='http', auth="user", methods=['POST'], website=True)

def image_handle(self, **post):
post_file = [] # List of file to add to ir_attachment once we have the ID
post_description = [] # Info to add after the message
values = {}

for field_name, field_value in post.items():
if hasattr(field_value, 'filename'):

Forum = request.registry['']
for field_value in post_file:
attachment_value = {
'name': field_value.filename,
'res_name': field_value.filename,
'res_model': '',
'datas': base64.encodestring(,
'datas_fname': field_value.filename,
request.registry['ir.attachment'].create(, SUPERUSER_ID, attachment_value, context=request.context)

Many thanks for your collaboration!


I'm looking exactly for the same.


If I get it work I'll post it here, do the same if you get it :)

Author Best Answer

I'm wondering how can I set a maxium size limit to the uploaded files on the python controller side, any suggestion?

Best Answer


There is one module in which you can find exact what you want. Inside Odoo => addons => website_crm => controllers => In that you can find the method def contactus(self, **kwargs):.

You can see the code as you want that manage image / binary field from controller. In this code you can see that controller take the post info and insert it into binary field of attachment.  

Tips : When you want to submit any binary data from web form, you must need to select "multipart/form-data" value for enctype attribute in your form.

<form class="form-horizontal mt32" id="form_job" action="#" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

I am sure it will help you.


Nice, I didn't check that code. I achieve to upload attachments with that module, just adding: Upload picture In the form. How I can handle images sending it with post method?