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On WMS front end, there is the possibility to click on "process" button. This action could split stock pack operation in case of partial delivery. There is also the possibility to click on "create backorder" button. This action could split delivery order in case of partial delivery. But, why don't have a button that launched these two actions ? Isn't it currently posssible to do a partial transfert from the back end ?


The stock.move form has the "Process Entirely" button. The barcode entry form has the "Create backorder" button. What do you mean when you say "from the back end"?

In odoo8 they have removed the features which was working in v7. for partial receive you will redirect to web interface to receive product one by one. for applying the same features which was working previously you need to customize the code. for the custom module for partial picking you can contact to if you need any consulting service to customize module for WMS.

Best Answer

Be aware that the latest V8 build has the picking processing wizard back in it to manage partial deliveries etc
