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Hi folks,

After installing the project_long_term module, it seems that I can't push emails to conversations on tasks from thunderbird / outlook plugin. If disabling the project_long_term module, the tasks are back again in target documents to push to. NB : I have project_issues installed too, didn't try yet to disable it (in case of possible conflict).

I wonder why is this ?

Author Best Answer

Here is the answer:

To reproduce got to : Thunderbird > OpenERP Menu > Documents "document not found" Click "Push Email"

At this stage, before pushing an email, the (of the plugin module) is asked the list of supported documents to fill the Type of Document popup menu.

If you read the method's comments in the file:

def document_type(self, cr, uid, context=None):
        Return the list of available model to push
        res.partner is a special case
        otherwise all model that inherit from mail.thread
        ['res.partner', 'project.issue']
    mail_thread_obj = self.pool.get('mail.thread')
    doc_dict = mail_thread_obj.message_capable_models(cr, uid, context)
    doc_dict['res.partner'] = "Partner"
    return doc_dict.items()

You will notice that a class/model should inherit from mail.thread. Which is the case in project.task of the default project module, but project_long_term overrides project.task without inheriting mail.thread anymore !

To correct this behavior, simply patch to update project_task as follows :

class project_task(osv.osv):
    _name = "project.task" #you need to give the object name in case of multiple inheritance
    _inherit = ['project.task','mail.thread', 'ir.needaction_mixin'] #this solves the issue
    _columns = {
        'phase_id': fields.many2one('project.phase', 'Project Phase', domain="[('project_id', '=', project_id)]"),

Leave the rest untouched. Restart OpenERP after upgrading the project_long_term module. Alternatively you could inherit project_task in your own module to produce the same result.

I think I might file a bug in case this wasn't omitted on purpose.
