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Hey i am trying to add some custom fields in website_recruitment but i was unable to find any existing fields definition and was able to get to xml only. Can anyone specify the function which parsing value from website to recruitment app? i shall be thankful

Best Answer


I think in the applicant form you wont find a specific controller, that creates record in back end, creation of the record in the backend is handled by the generic controller in the website_form module. If you check the template, you can see that the action called will be /website_form/.

If you need to add new fields to the form and record it into the backend, just add the input fields to the template, with the same name given in the backend model, the website_form will handle the passing of field from form to backend.

Also you have to whitelist the custom fields in order to get recorded in the backend from website form.




<function model="ir.model.fields" name="formbuilder_whitelist">


<value eval="[










Thanks Niyas i'll test it and upvote your answer.


Hey niyas what do you suggest for one2many fields if one wants to populate data in the form of table, like employment history in applicant form

website form builder doesnt support support one2many i think, so you might have to change the action of the form and take it to a custom controller


Thank you so much Niyas!