why when it doesn't enter the t-if it ignores the t-else?
If the t-if condition is not met, the foreach automatically exits and does not go through the t-else
<t t-foreach="partner.parent_id.category_id"t-as="tags">
<t t-if="'Custom' in tags.name">
<a href="/"t-attf-class="navbar-brand logo #{_link_class}">
<h1 t-if="partner.image_1920">company logoh1>
<h1 t-else="">Latamconnect there is no company logoh1>
<t t-else="">
<a href="/"t-attf-class="navbar-brand logo #{_link_class}">
<h1>Latamconnect the company is not customh1>
your xml is not correct(I know xml is not allowed to paste). you can paste your xml in comment.
este es el xml correcto
<t t-foreach="partner.parent_id.category_id"t-as="tags">
<t t-if="'Custom' in tags.name">
<a href="/"t-attf-class="navbar-brand logo #{_link_class}">
<h1 t-if="partner.image_1920">company logo</h1>
<h1 t-else="">Latamconnect there is no company logo</h1>
<t t-else="">
<a href="/"t-attf-class="navbar-brand logo #{_link_class}">
<h1>Latamconnect the company is not custom</h1>