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14 Replies

Can anyone explain why having set the Key: ir_attachment.location to the Value: file:///filestore , that the directory 'filestore' does not appear anywhere?

Reading the many other posts it appears as if the 'filestore' directory should appear automatically once Value has been set and the system restarted. Thereafter, all new attachments should be saved within this 'filestore' folder, albeit under an encrypted filename.

We have tried to find this folder using the OpenERP FTP client, looking within the OpenERP Knowledge module under Configuration > Document Management > Directories , we even installed the All-in-One version on Windows to see if we could find it under the regular Windows File System. None of these show the 'filestore' directory.
What is going on?

Nobody appears to have a clear answer that can be easily followed, as the question has been asked so many times now. We have already read many times every possible reference to this on this forum and have looked elsewhere on the web. This cannot be so hard to explain so that everybody understands once and for all how this function works. Thank you.


Can you say what exact value you set in ir_attachment.location ?


Under Settings > (Technical) Parameters > System Parameters , the Key 'ir_attachment.location' was created and given the exact value 'file:///filestore'

Best Answer


If you setup ir_attachment.location to file:///filestore you should have a new filestore folder that as the name of the database you setup in your openobject-server/openerp/filestore folder

  • If your database is demo_test you will have openobject-server/openerp/filestore/demo_test folder.

Be careful ! : OpenERP server should be able to write on this directory: openobject-server/openerp/ . Setup write accès and user used to launch OpenERP server service correctly.

filestore folder should be in the same level as service, tools, osv, cli, conf etc .. in the openerp folder of the server (not web or addons)

If filestore does not exist, create it and give the write access to openerp. When you launch OpenERP you should have a warning or an error if OpenERP can't create folder.


The 'filestore' directory will not be created until the first document is attached within OpenERP


In our example the database is called 'testtest' and in this installation we are using on Windows 7 the All-in-one installation. The path to the addons folder for example is D:\Program Files (x86)\OpenERP 7.0-20131009-231130\Server\server\openerp\addons. Having set the Value to file:///filestore and using Windows File Explorer, we had expected to see ...\openerp\filestore\testtest or alternatively the \filestore\testtest in either the ...\Server or ...\Server\server folders.

continued below ....


... interestingly enough under the folder \OpenERP 7.0-20131009-231130 we find using Windows File Explorer nowhere either 'filestore' or 'testtest'. Test data is installed in this database. Using the ftp client we cannot find 'filestore' anywhere. Within OpenERP under Knowldege > (Configuration) Documents Management > Directories' Structure OR Directories we cannot see 'filestore'. We have the very same issue on our Ubuntu installation where the installation is under /opt/openerp.We have followed all documentation and the many tips on this forum but we just cannot see where we are going wrong.

Ok, can you say how do you install openERP: from source ? all in one package ? filestore folder should be in the same level as service, tools, osv, cli, conf etc .. in the openerp folder of the server (not web or addons)

Have you an error when you attach a document ?


Hi, the installation is an all-in-one package on a Windows 7 Ultimate machine. We by chance figured out the problem and answered it below for anyone who has the same issue on how the system works. The newest issue for us appears to be now that the saved attachments are not visible using the FTP Client although the newly created folders are visible. We can however see the encrypted file name in the file system and even open it say as a pdf. Any ideas what the FTP Client issue here could be? Thanks for your help

can you mark the question as answered and open a new question for FTP issue ? It will be more clear I think


Need karma 75 to mark my own question as answered. Can you mark it? Thanks.

Author Best Answer

Although we can't find it documented anywhere, we have figured out that the 'filestore' directory will not be created until the first document is attached within OpenERP. This is a small but important detail that can save a lot of frustration. Once the first file is attached, the 'filestore' folder then appears under Windows in the folder that contains the 'addons' folder. We have not tested it yet but we presume this is the same for Linux installations. There appears to be no need to create the 'filestore' folder yourself. Once created, the folder 'filestore' does not appear anywhere within OpenERP, it only appears on the machine's file system outside of OpenERP. Conversely the Directory Structure set up within OpenERP, automatically or by you, is not reflected outside in the 'filestore' directory, so don't go looking for it. The 'filestore' directory is literally what it sounds like it is, a repository for files with encrypted/randomized file and folder names in a structure determined by OpenERP but not reflecting your own Directory Structure in OpenERP. Consequently the use of Windows File Explorer or similar is not really practical. The files can be opened outside of OpenERP if you know what program to open them with. It is just the file name that has been encrypted/randomized, in case you ever try to save a second attachment of the same original file name but say a different version. Shame this is not all clearly explained anywhere.

Best Answer


it is in


or wherever 

data_dir = 

in the config file points




Thank you for this usefull post

Best Answer

On windows it will be in the AppData\Local\OpenERP S.A.\Odoo\filestore folder

Best Answer

Hi friends,

I am using windows server but i am not able to store file in my local hard drive.

My configuration file looks like this.

db_host = localhost

db_port = 5432

db_user = odoo

db_password = odoo

data_dir = D:\odoo_documents

addons_path = D:\Development\Workspace\odoo-8.0-20150317\openerp\addons

xmlrpc_port = 8069

netrpc_port = 8070


Please help me to store file in local
