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2 Replies

I just discover that the journal entries (sales journal) are created with a wrong account.move.line,name.

Say the product A is sold, then the corresponding journal entry  is created with a account.move.line,name== product zzz (copy)

But product zzz (copy) does not exist in the database, nor as a product nor as a variant!!!

This is NOT happening for every sale; but I cannot understand what triggers the bug!!!

Does anyone user already meet the same confusing behaviour which is altering the confidence in the accounting?

If yes please explain how to eliminate such poor situation

Best Answer

It isn't wrong - it's just how Odoo is designed.  

Odoo stores the name of the product, so you can differentiate between Sales and Invoices of the 'old' product if the name ever changes.

name stores the name of the product as is was when it was added to the Invoice.

A possible scenario that resulted in what you are seeing:

1. User creates product zzz (copy) by copying product zzz.

2. User adds product zzz (copy) to an Invoice

3. User renames product zzz (copy) to something else.

If you look at product_id you will find the id of the product.product (which will still be in the database).

Best Answer

Of course does the product exist in the database. Please check the translation values. This happens when duplicating objects while having more than 1 language active.


You have a database with 2 active languages, french and english. Now you have a product with the name "Product A" and its french translation "Produit A". A user with language preference french now duplicates this product, he sees "Produit A (copy)" and changes the name to "Produit B". But the english name of the duplicated product is "Product A (copy)", if you do not translate it, then this is the name which will be shown to english users through the whole system.


Thks Ermin; I am not sure to understand your explanation; will you please develop a little bit more (example?)

What languages are active in your database? Which is the language of your users? If you are duplicating objects in a multilingual database, you have also to translate the names of the duplicated objects.


understood; db has 3 languages which is not necessary as users are only unsing one (FR). The situation is that I get product.template(s) for the 3 languages; some of them with no source language but with a traducted name. I am lost!

Just complete all translations and/or add the source terms.


as I only require one language for the DB, would you recommend to desactivate the non-needed langages, leaving only one active; would this solve my issue?

Yes, this would solve your issue of course.

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