I am not sure that I understand you correctly. What i am imagining :
In your front end html site:
<script src="odoo_js_files.js"/>
<script src="your_file.js"/>
<script src="google_map.js"/>
If that is true, please read https://www.odoo.com/documentation/8.0/howtos/web.html too know how to insert your js files when Odoo render the page, and call your tt_js_return_url as describled in
Communication with the Odoo Server section.
After your call to server, you'll get long+lat, assign it to a global variable to make it available in your google_map.js.
Hope this helps.
I can think of 2 ways to do this:
If your html page is in a separated application from Odoo, you may write kind of webservice in Odoo and call it from your maps application.
Odoo Maps application
end point:
http://yourodoo.com/get_vehicle_cordinates <---------------> Javascript client
At odoo side, you should write a method in a controller like this:
@http.route(route='/get_vehicle_cordinates', auth='public') # consider authorization check
def get_vehicle_cordinate(self, **kwargs):
# And calculate cordinates to return
And at Maps side, you should use JavaScript to call that service, use something like $.post('http://yourodoo.com/get_vehicle_cordinates', {vehicle_id: v_id}, function(){
// Handle your long, lat value.
2. The second way, if your html page is a part of Odoo, you may put your map in a Odoo widget.
Define html code in a template, use call method (please read Communication with the Odoo Server which I mentioned above) to call tt_js_return_url and handle the result