When I have a click on a calendar view in my module I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'type' of undefined
Code for Classes
class vetclinic_animal(osv.Model):
_name = "vetclinic.animal"
_columns = {
"name": fields.char("Name", size=64, required = True),
"birthdate" : fields.date("Birth Date"),
"classification_id": fields.many2one("vetclinic.classification", "Classification" , required = True),
"breed_id": fields.many2one("vetclinic.breed", "Breed"),
"labels_ids": fields.many2many("vetclinic.labels", "rel_animal_labels", "animal_id", "labels_id", string="Labels"),
"history": fields.text("History"),
"res_partner_id": fields.many2one("res.partner", "Owner"),
"image": fields.binary("Image"),
"animalvacinations_ids": fields.one2many("vetclinic.animalvacinations", "animal_id", string = "Vacinations"),
class vetclinic_animal_vacinations(osv.Model):
_name = "vetclinic.animalvacinations"
_columns = {
"product_id": fields.many2one("product.product", "Vacination"),
"duedate": fields.date("Due Date"),
"dateperformed": fields.date("Date Performed"),
"animal_id" : fields.many2one("vetclinic.animal", "Animal"),
Code for view:
<record id="vetclinic_animalvacinations_calendar_view" model = "ir.ui.view" >
<field name = "name">vetclinic.animalvacinations.calendar.view</field>
<field name = "view_type">calendar</field>
<field name = "model">vetclinic.animalvacinations</field>
<field name = "arch" type = "xml">
<calendar string = "Animal Vacinations" date_start = "duedate">
<field name = "animal_id" />
<field name = "product_id" />
What is missing here?
Used standard code from Odoo Essential book and it works fine now