Hello everybody!!
Cananyone help me please know the sourceof this bug.
I am creating a new report but when i click on print i got an error:
QWebTemplateNotFound: External ID not found in the system: exploit_cnss.report_cnss
Here is my python:
class wrapped_report_cnss(osv.AbstractModel):
_name = 'report.exploit_report.report_cnss2' _inherit = 'report.abstract_report' _template = 'exploit_report.report_cnss2' _wrapped_report_class = report_cnss2
aand xml:
<report id="action_report_cnss" model="exploit.cnss" string="Déclaration CNSS Trimestre 1" report_type="qweb-pdf" name="exploit_cnss.report_cnss" file="exploit_cnss/report/report_cnss.xml" attachment_use="True" attachment = "'%s.pdf'%'Déclaration CNSS Trimestre 1'" />
Need help my friends.
Best Regards.