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Hi, I m working with OpenERP 7.0 Version, I want to display time from float field, I used widget="float_time" in form view and tree view. It works fine in both form and tree view, but now when i am using widget="float_time" in calendar view, it display float value instead of displaying time.

My field is

'start_time': fields.float('Time Start'),

My calendar view is

<record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm.crm_case_phone_calendar_view">
    <field name="name">CRM - Phone Calls Calendar</field>
    <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
    <field name="priority" eval="2"/>
    <field name="arch" type="xml">
        <calendar string="Phone Calls" date_start="date" color="user_id" date_delay="start_time">
            <field name="name"/>
            <field name="partner_id"/>
            <field name="duration" widget="float_time"/>
            <field name="start_time" widget="float_time"/>

How can I solve this issue..?????

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I am also looking for an answer to this problem... anyone?
