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Where do I file a bug that is specific to the Debian/Ubuntu packaging of OpenERP, please?

Best Answer

.deb is a packaging format. You don't say where you obtained OpenERP packaged in that format. Early versions of openerp are available as separate server and client packages, V7 is combined (unfortunately for those who physically separate server and client)

  • If you installed from Debian repositories it must of been either openerp-server or openerp-client (only for Squeeze) - in which case use the bugreport1 tool (to report the problem to Debian Open Object Maintainers in the correct format with the appropriate).
  • If you installed from an Ubuntu repostitory (Ubuntu != Debian) then report it to their package maintainers, again, using your bugreport1 tool, or use hTTps://
  • If you got the package elsewhere - post the bugreport where you got the package from.

Hope that helps

1$ reportbug
