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3 Replies

i am a beginner in eprnerp and I currently working on the implementation of the payroll module Moroccan openerp 6.0 ​​on Windows XP, so everything was a wonder until the last step where I wanted to calculate the pay slip every time I Click on the button I get this error message:

Traceback (most recent call last): File "netsvc.pyo", line 489, in dispatch File "service\web_services.pyo", line 599, in dispatch File "osv\osv.pyo", line 122, in wrapper File "osv\osv.pyo", line 176, in execute File "osv\osv.pyo", line 167, in execute_cr File "C:\Program Files\OpenERP6.0\Server\addons\syst_hr_payroll_ma\", line 154, in compute_all_lines File "osv\orm.pyo", line 181, in <lambda> File "C:\Program Files\OpenERP6.0\Server\addons\syst_hr_payroll_ma\", line 674, in compute_all_lines File "C:\Program Files\OpenERP6.0\Server\addons\syst_hr_payroll_ma\", line 518, in get_igr TypeError: 'bool' object is unsubscriptable

And here is the line of code concern:

def get_igr(self, cr, uid, ids, montant, cotisations): #print('fonction IGR') res = {} taux=0 somme=0 salaire_net_imposable = 0 pool = pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname) id_bulletin = ids[0] bulletin = pool.get('hr.payroll_ma.bulletin').browse(cr, uid, id_bulletin) personnes = bulletin.employee_id.chargefam logement = bulletin.employee_id.logement params = self.pool.get('hr.payroll_ma.parametres') ids_params =, uid, []) dictionnaire =, uid, ids_params[0]) fraispro = montant * dictionnaire['fraispro'] / 100 if fraispro < dictionnaire['plafond']: salaire_net_imposable = montant - fraispro - cotisations - logement else : salaire_net_imposable = montant - dictionnaire['plafond'] - cotisations - logement

    objet_ir = self.pool.get('')
    id_ir =, uid, [])
    liste =, uid, id_ir, ['debuttranche', 'fintranche', 'taux', 'somme'])
    for tranche in liste:
        if(salaire_net_imposable >= tranche['debuttranche']/12) and (salaire_net_imposable < tranche['fintranche']/12):
            taux = (tranche['taux'])
            somme = (tranche['somme']/12) 

    ir_brute = (salaire_net_imposable * taux / 100) - somme
    if((ir_brute - (personnes * dictionnaire['charge'])) < 0):
        ir_net = 0
        ir_net = ir_brute - (personnes * dictionnaire['charge'])
    res = {'salaire_net_imposable':salaire_net_imposable,
         'frais_pro' : fraispro,
         'personnes' : personnes

    return res

So I apologize for the inconvenience and I hope you can help me thank you in advance


any help please ???

It would be good if you update your question which more code instead of just showing one line.


agree this is done and I hope you can help me :)

Your dictionnaire var is probabley a boolean (False or True)

I can not see the additional code!


and now you can see it ??


yes it is true this boolean variable is but I do not know where is the problem exactly, is that I should not put type variable or there yardstick method for spesifique called boolean variable

Can you please point line 518 in the code of


yes lucio this is the line 518 of code : 'credit_account_id':dictionnaire['credit_account_id'][0],

What are you getting now? I can not see any updates in your question although you are constantly updating it!


yes I know there is no update in my question I wanted ONLY FOR that another person has come to see sorry

Best Answer

You are defining dictionnarie within this 3 lines:

params = self.pool.get('hr.payroll_ma.parametres') 
ids_params =, uid, []) 
dictionnaire =, uid, ids_params[0])

And the error is coming from here:


because it seems that when accessing dictionnaire with key 'credit_account_id' you are getting False.

This is probably because the record you are reading in here:

dictionnaire =, uid, ids_params[0])

has no reference to an credit account.

It is weird for my that you are reading the first that appears, so I do not know how you want to solve this. If there should be a value in there or it might no be any, which value is supposed to be stored in dictionnarie in the first place...

But the explanation of why is not working, I am pretty sure that is the one above.

Good Luck!


thank you very much, I appreciate your effort to explain

Best Answer

You need to change this line to:

'credit_account_id':dictionnaire['credit_account_id'] and dictionnaire['credit_account_id'][0] or False,

Error occurs because dictionary returned {'credit_account_id': False}, expected {'credit_account_id': [1,2,3...]} or smth like that. Hope this will help.

Author Best Answer

thank you for your help as even despite it not work :(


problem solved: the problem was: I want to access a variable 'credit_account_id' in the form of pay slip without grasping parameters in payroll so it returns the value false to me generates this error thank you to everyone who tried to help me