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I am new to Accounting side of the ODOO. help me with basics and important concepts of chart of account in ODOO. 

I want to know about importing Chart of Accounts with the help of CSV and what are the things i need to take care importing the chart of account.


Best Answer

From version 9.0 odoo has made accounting easy to use. The same apply on importing of accounts. 

V9 requires 3 fields to be taken care of viz Name, Code, Type, Allow Reconciliation. For all accounts of type receivable and payable "Allow Reconciliation"  must be True. 

Give me a shout if you need further help with account import.  




Thank you , Kinner. This is helpful i will ask you if i am stuck while learning ODOO Accounting. I have lot to learn. :-)

Odoo has really improved on producing good functional documents. All basic functionality and setup information/manuals are available at Also it would be wise to subscribe to accounting mailing list with community

I've read many of the links provided here and elsewhere, including Odoo Community Association's accounting gap analysis document, Fabian P.'s responses to why hierarchical charts of accounts add unnecessary complexity and more. I have not found a practical illustration from start to finish: Start: Create a simplified chart of accounts. Include, for example, two or more expense categories. Finish: Show a view or report consolidating the expenses in each category, then show the consolidation of all expenses. Alternately: Explain the 'Odoo v9' way to summarize journal entries.