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18 Replies

Hey guys,

what are the different options for installing Odoo v11 CE on ubuntu?  The reason I ask is that our outsourced programmer installed it and we cant see the running service as before via systemctl so we are wondering what he did.  They are a firm from India and communication is sketchy so we are waiting on their response but I was just trying to jump the gun here.  I asked if its was a virtual-env install and they said no, which is weird because I can see a odoo11-env folder in the user directory.

~$ sudo systemctl status odoo

[sudo] password for it:


Loaded: error (Reason: No such file or directory)

Active: inactive (dead)


Please update the error log. Then we can help u



Best Answer

Hi Marcio:

Check whether he has set up Odoo to start as a cron job on system reboot instead of a service.


How do I do that?

Best Answer

you can try below link steps or you can search lot of links available.


I am not asking how to install it. It's already installed. I want to know what are the installation methods they might have used because the typical sudo systemctl status odoo11 doesn't work. Nor do any of the other systemctl commands

Best Answer

You can try this one:


I am not asking how to install it. It's already installed. I want to know what are the installation methods they might have used because the typical sudo systemctl status odoo11 doesn't work. Nor do any of the other systemctl commands

You can stop the service like this:

sudo service odoo-server stop

And start it like this:

sudo service odoo-server start

Notice that the service name can be different, depending on how you've installed the Odoo instance. You can also run the Odoo instance from the terminal (after stopping it) like this:

./odoo-bin -u your_module_to_update -c /etc/odoo-server.conf

If you don't know the name of your service you can find it out by printing out the list of services and grepping (searching) on Odoo:

ls /etc/init.d | grep odoo

You will get an output with all available services which contain the name "odoo".


So I ran your command ls /etc/init.d | grep odoo and it returned this: odoo-server, but even then, when I run sudo systemctl status odoo-server I get: "Loaded: error (No such file or directory) Active: inactive (dead)."


I do believe this is the method used to install it because I can see the odoo11-server.service in the /etc/systemd/system directory. and the service is odoo11 but i cant get it from the systemctl. Like I said, I get the error

Best Answer


you just try below command for faster and smooth installation of odoo v11 CE

Open your terminal and fire following commands

Step 1: sudo wget -b 11.0

Step 2: sudo chmod +x

Step 3: sudo ./

After installation of odoo v11 you need to install dependencies of odoo

just go to odoo folder and fire below command

Step 4: pip install -r requirements.txt

Thanks & Regards

Ankit Vaghela


I am not asking how to install it. It's already installed. I want to know what are the installation methods they might have used because the typical sudo systemctl status odoo11 doesn't work. Nor do any of the other systemctl commands

Can you give proper clarification of what you have issues?


sudo systemctl status odoo11 returns error returns: "Loaded: error (No such file or directory) Active: inactive (dead).

you can use

sudo systemctl status odoo


same error. Dead, no such file or directory. Odoo is up and running btw.

can you share your error screenshot?


I am not allowed to post images in this forum for some reason. But the text is this:

~$ sudo systemctl status odoo

[sudo] password for it:


Loaded: error (Reason: No such file or directory)

Active: inactive (dead)