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5 Replies

Example is

i have multi-pal warehouse with multi-pal location as well as multi-route

Warehouse A

Warehouse B

Warehouse C

i have Product A qty in hand is 25 in warehouse A

i want to transfer from warehouse A to B 

Problem is 

When i trasfer Product A from warehouse A to B 

its Transfer when i click on Validation button during Transfer form 

now Product A qty transfer from A to B its ok

what i want is ....
any validation before receiving product in Warehouse B ?

with out permission of warehouse B owner is it become any logic to receive product in warehouse B with out any validation ?

want i want is any route or any configuration 

where warehouse b first check its product then receive else return to where its come from  ?

Best Answer


If all warehouses within same company then you can make this possible by adding middleware(transit), so the process be like,

Warehouse A > Transit(warehouse AtoB) >Warehouse B

so the stock movement like, 

  • WHA/Stock -> TransitAB

  • TransitAB -> WHB/Stock

So, the warehouse A transfer goods to TransitAB and on Transit AB add push rule to transfer the goods to WHB/Stock. Here, the warehouse 2 either validate to receive or create return of that transfer.


your idea i try but when if warehouse B say i recived product 15 warehouse A send me 20 wrongly then ? where 5 goes ?

how i can return or backorder from 5 ?

yes so the 5 in transit and that you have to sort out manually. Because Warehouse a process finished.

To achieve the exact case you need customisation and add the rule like if received less than the initial planned then it automatically create the return order.


any module already in app store ?

Best Answer

Have you find any app or other configuration for your problem? I have the same one.

Thank you sir


try to configure like configuration show above