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i facing the below errors in the log file. can any help me how to solve this error. 2013-11-29 04:52:56,028 2938 INFO erp_demo openerp.modules.module: module base_external_referentials: creating or updating database tables 2013-11-29 04:52:56,173 2938 INFO erp_demo openerp.modules.loading: module base_external_referentials: loading base_external_referentials_view.xml 2013-11-29 04:52:56,198 2938 ERROR erp_demo Invalid XML: A string attribute must be on a form node. 2013-11-29 04:52:56,204 2938 ERROR erp_demo Parse error in /opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/base_external_referentials/base_external_referentials_view.xml:4:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/tools/", line 847, in parse self._tagsrec.tag File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/tools/", line 814, in _tag_record id = self.pool.get('')._update(cr, self.uid, rec_model, self.module, res, rec_id or False, not self.isnoupdate(data_node), noupdate=self.isnoupdate(data_node), mode=self.mode, context=rec_context ) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/base/ir/", line 967, in _update res_id = model_obj.create(cr, uid, values, context=context) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/base/ir/", line 103, in create return super(view, self).create(cr, uid, values, context) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/osv/", line 4478, in create self._validate(cr, user, [id_new], context) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/osv/", line 1548, in _validate raise except_orm('ValidateError', '\n'.join(error_msgs)) except_orm: ('ValidateError', u'Error occurred while validating the field(s) arch: Invalid XML for View Architecture!') 2013-11-29 04:52:56,205 2938 ERROR erp_demo openerp.netsvc: ValidateError Error occurred while validating the field(s) arch: Invalid XML for View Architecture! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/", line 292, in dispatch_rpc result = ExportService.getService(service_name).dispatch(method, params) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/service/", line 626, in dispatch res = fn(db, uid, params) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/osv/", line 188, in execute_kw return self.execute(db, uid, obj, method, *args, *kw or {}) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/osv/", line 144, in wrapper raise except_osv(, inst.value) except_osv: ('ValidateError', u'Error occurred while validating the field(s) arch: Invalid XML for View Architecture!') 2013-11-29 04:52:56,207 2938 INFO erp_demo werkzeug: - - [29/Nov/2013 04:52:56] "POST /web/dataset/call_button HTTP/1.1" 200 -


paste here the error message in the log.. :D so that we can see the reason why the error appears :D

Since you have not provided the XML code that is causing this here is a simple explanation. Your XML has a character that should not be where it is. like the error states a string attribute must be on a form

Best Answer

Hello sureshparthasarathy,

If you are creating new form or inheriting existing form than follow the existing those are working. compare your each line of code what you did. Hope You will find solution.

Try compare with existing. You might not give the exact attribute to specific tag.

Regards, Anil

Best Answer


first check in .py file and save it after restart your server add refresh site and check
